
Krzysztof Sośnica elected as a member of the ILRS Governing Board
The International Laser Ranging Service finished the election process for the ILRS Governing Board for 2019-2020. We are pleased to inform that Dr. Krzysztof Sośnica from IGiG has been elected as the Appointed Members by the Governing Board.
The Governing Board is responsible for the general directions in which the ILRS is providing its services. It defines the official ILRS products, decides upon the satellites to be included in the ILRS tracking list, accepts standards and procedures prepared and proposed by the individual bodies of the ILRS and ensures, through its chairperson, the contact to other services and organizations.
More information on the ILRS website:

Open PostDoc Position in the field of Satellite Geodesy
The Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics (IGiG), WUELS, has a world-leading position in the domain of GNSS precise positioning, processing multi-GNSS observations, precise orbit determination, integration of GNSS and SLR data, and determination of global geodetic parameters. IGiG leads and participates in many scientific projects funded by the European Space Agency, the Polish National Science Center, and the European Union.

Hereby, IGiG announces an open PostDoc position that will be funded by the Polish National Science Center in the framework of the project “Determination of Global Geodetic Parameters using the Galileo Satellite System” (project number: 2018/29/B/ST10/00382). More information about the project can be found at the website:


Scholarships for outstanding young scientists
The Minister of Science and Higher Education of Poland awarded scholarships to outstanding young scientists conducting high-quality research and enjoying an impressive scientific output. The Minister evaluated 1129 applications and awarded 181 scholarships. Dr. Tomasz Hadaś from the Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics, WUELS is one of the laureates, who received a scholarship in the amount of 5,390 PLN per month for a period of three years. Detailed information can be found at website of the Ministry of Science and Education higher.

Big Data in water management
Climate-Kic announced the results of Pathfinder Ideator Programme which is designed to enable the collaboration of research and business stakeholders, who can bring their different perspectives together to ensure the innovation idea achieves real climate benefit and is a viable innovation proposition. Novel project at Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics aims at mobile data exploration for the thorough understanding of citizen behaviour patterns, which are reflected by mobility flows as well as demand for water which will lead to optimising the use of water in the city.


Associate Professor at the Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics - competition
Dean of the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy at Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences announces competition for the position of associate professor at the Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics.


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Poczta / Logowanie do systemu
GISLab - Laboratorium GIS
Stacja permanentna GNSS 'WROC'
Stacja permanentna GNSS 'WROC'
Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences
Grunwaldzka 53
50-357 Wroclaw

NIP: 896-000-53-54, REGON: 00000 18 67

Phone +48 71 3205617
Fax +48 71 3205617
